Font Pairings

Paring 1
This pair is made up of Google Fonts Josefin Slab and Poiret One. I am writing more text because I looked at Ben's and Steph's and felt bad about having barely any body text so here I am writing away. I know a lot of Google fonts look kinda bad but the whole typekit thing was a bit confusing so I thought I'd start with this. Note I made the deliberate decision NOT to add color so as not to detract from the type pairings (not because I am lazy or anything like that.)

Pairing 2
This pair is made up of Crete Round and Rambla. I am writing more text because I looked at Ben's and Steph's and felt bad about having almost no body text so here I am writing away. I know a lot of Google fonts look kinda bad but the whole typekit thing was a bit confusing so I thought I'd start with this. Note I made the deliberate decision NOT to add color so as not to detract from the type pairings (not because I am lazy or anything like that.) Also I found the spell check option on this thing and am really happy now.

Pairing 3
This pair is made up of Lobster and Bad Script. What silly names. I am writing more text because I looked at Ben's and Steph's and felt bad about having so little body text so here I am writing away. I know a lot of Google fonts look kinda bad but the whole typekit thing was a bit confusing so I thought I'd start with this. I made the deliberate decision NOT to add color so as not to detract from the type pairings (not because I am lazy or anything like that.) Also I found the spell check option on this thing and am really happy now. Man, these fonts are definitely not as nice as the ones accessible through typekit but I tried typekit and obviously did something wrong because it didn't work haha.